Heat or Ice? (And is RICE Outdated?)
Ice packs and heating pads are top pain relief choices. But do they really work? And which option is better?
Ice packs and heating pads are top pain relief choices. But do they really work? And which option is better?
Muscles are the nervous system’s end-point. The body has muscles like a car has tires. It’s where all the work gets done.
Low back pain is a huge problem. These 10 back pain myths need to be debunked.
Maybe you tweaked your calf muscle running up a steep hill. Or felt a twinge in your chest muscle during a hard set of push-ups.
Is sitting unhealthy? Maybe you’ve heard that sitting is ruining your life, one chair at a time. Or that sitting is a dangerous health hazard
Many people think deadlifts are dangerous for the spine. And heavy deadlifting is the easiest way to herniate a disc. But others claim deadlifts are
“Does my back hurt because I’ve gained 15 pounds?”
Nothing puts a damper on your day faster than a throbbing headache…
Bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, disc herniations, bone spurs. These scary findings show up on many X-Rays and MRIs, worrying patients.
SI joint problems are literally a pain in the butt. The sacroiliac joints can hurt at rest, with movement, and while standing or walking. SI